“ Who is KALI ?”
Mahakali in the sense that it is the desire of God Almighty.
So first She’s Adi Shakti in charge of all the three powers and that’s why we can say that when She is in a potential stage She is Mahakali and then she divides Herself into two other forces as Mahasaraswati and the ascending force that we call, or as a parasympathetic nervous system expressed in us is the Mahalakshmi.
So She has actually all these forces in Herself, Kali has all these forces but She manifests, She desires to act and when She wants to act Her potential force becomes these two other forces.
So when we do the Puja of Mahakali, we must understand that inbuilt within this force within us is desire; so we can desire anything, if you want you can desire everything, you can desire say the joy, we can desire the knowledge, we can desire to be compassionate and love and we can desire also the destruction of those which are negative forces. But the Mahakali force is the one which is working out the constructive force but in that constructive force only there has to be destruction, because if you are constructing something and there is destruction which is trying to destroy your construction then you have to destroy that destructive personality; and this is what people sometimes misunderstand and they think that Mahakali force is negative force or is a force of destruction, it is but in a very positive way and if you understand this part of Mahakali force then you will understand that if you have desires to construct yourself properly in Sahaja Yoga then you should also have the desire to destroy whatever is standing against your construction…
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shri Mahakali Puja, San Diego (USA), 19 June 1989.