“Be careful....How Ekadash Rudra power act?”
The Ekadasha Rudra Incarnation has been prophesised by every prophet, that the Ekadasha Avatara will be coming and it will destroy all the negativity, all the anti-God activities.
Ekadasha Principle actually is built-in the Void because when the saints wanted to cross the ocean of illusion through their meditation they were hindered, troubled, tortured, and slaughtered by negative forces. These negative forces came up through the failings of human beings. When human beings failed they saw other people who were so much better than them and they saw that they are nowhere compared to many other human beings, or sometimes out of anger and temper the villainous temperament grew into them and then it formed this anti-God negativity in the Void. So Void has given actually the villainy to come into form.
As you see, in Sahaja Yoga, we must have seen it many a times that, when you go to a wrong guru or to a wrong person or you do unauthorised worshipping your Left Void catches. So in the Left Void all those destructive forces acted.
Also, in the process of evolution, there were many plants, animals who were destroyed because they were not in the centre, because they were egoistical, some were cunning, some were too big, some were too small and they were all thrown out and when they were thrown out they felt that they must react. So they went into the collective subconscious and came as subtler entities to harm the people who were ascending. Like we see these days viruses that attack us: these are the plants which have gone out of circulation. After some time you will find tobacco will go out of circulation, many drugs will go out of circulation. All these can form a kind of a anti-growth, anti-development, anti-freedom forces within ourselves.
So, in the area of Void, these horrible negative forces were formed. In the same way many human beings who were born and tried to assert their ego went into egoistical processes and thought that they can control people, they can have their domain over all the human beings, they can overpower the whole world. All such people form a very powerful institution in the history. And today also there are many such forces coming into existence. These forces are building, are destroying every moment. They are building into our Void area and then they are destroyed. These people when they come from the right side, from the Right Void, we call them as supra-conscious and those who come from the left side, we call them as the subconscious entities. All these entities do exist. As human beings are the image of God as in the collective subconscious of God Almighty and also in the supra-conscious of God Almighty, these forces still remain till they go to hell. In the same way in us also, in human beings also, these forces exist and they try to overpower us….
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shri Ekadasha Rudra puja, Moedling (Austria), 8 June 1988.