“ what was the secret of early death of some incarnations?”
Gyaneshwara at the age of twenty-one, he took a samadhi. He went into a room and closed the doors and settled down there, and he died there. All of them did the same – even Christ got Himself crucified – because they could tell a parable, they could tell a simile, but what had happened to them that they could not explain, and they felt so sad and so frustrated. In a way they finished their life very early.
This was the question. So what was the secret, can any one of you tell Me?
The answer is simple, but it’s difficult to digest. The answer is that all these incarnations who came on this Earth were part of the Sahasrara, were part of the Brahma Chaitanya, were part of the Adi Shakti. They came on this Earth, gave Realisation to some people who were excellent, good people who had no problems. As if they came out of the ocean of love and took all of them to the ocean of love, to enjoy that ocean. As Kabira has said that, “When a drop becomes the ocean, what can I say?”, “Jab mast hue, phir kya bole?” So many of them took to ‘mauna’, that is silence. They disappeared, they got dissolved completely into the ocean of love. But you did not get dissolved.
Something special has happened to you, that the whole of Brahmachaitanya, the whole Ocean has taken the form of a cloud – that’s Adi Shakti – and has come on this Earth to shower the chaitanya on you people, enrich you, nurture you, develop you, by manifesting the love in such a manner that you have entered into the body of the Adi Shakti.
So, like one pitcher which is in the River Ganges, you are like a cell in the body of the Adi Shakti. Your entity, your personality is preserved. Despite that you feel the Brahma Chaitanya through your senses and you can give Realisations to others, but you are in the body of the Adi Shakti. As long as you are in the body of Adi Shakti you can do all that. This is the greatest thing that has happened. The whole of the Sahasrara has opened out with all the seven pithas of all the deities, who were just part and parcel of it. The whole of it has come in the form of a Mother who is humble, who is deceptive, illusive, who is Mahamaya.
It’s the greatest thing that could happen to human beings and to the whole universe that, now, you can get your Realisation, you can give Realisations to others, you can understand through your senses, through your logic what is vibrations, what it does. Just like the proof is here. ..
Of course I am the master of Sahasrara, I am the master of all the chakras, but also I’m beyond Sahasrara, much beyond it. If that is the situation, you should be careful about your Sahasrara, that is Me, and looking after your own heart which is the Brahmarandra peetha here, which opens out ultimately when you get your realisation.
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahasrara puja. Thredbo (Australia), 3 May 1987.