“The fire, when enlightened, separates truth from untruth.” As you know that according to Sahaj Yoga all these elements have got a deity behind it. For example, agni (fire) has got a deity called Agni Devata. In pure form Agni Devata is the one, which really purifies us. It purifies everything. It purifies say a gold: if you put gold in fire it doesn’t burn, it comes out more brilliant, better. But if it is something that is not of such a value it will burn out. So all inflammable things are mostly of a low-grade things, which are to be burned only. .. so when fire is added to that wood the same fire which is coming — actually the base is that wood itself, it is inflammable — and the flames that are coming out of that fire, once they are enlightened, they start knowing what is truth, what is untruth. Or reacting in such a manner as if they know what work has to be done. Now the difference between a Sahaj Yogi and the fire, which is so initiated, is this — that it does not think about it. It just goes on completely finishing things, which it has to do. And by a method of frequencies it knows where to go and which one to burn out, and that’s how it goes on burning things, which it has to burn off. .. we must understand that we have so many things within us: we’ve got fire, we’ve got water, we’ve got Mother Earth, all elements are within us. But in the fire it is only the fire element, nothing else. So it acts according to its own quality, that is fire. And whatever is the quality of the fire, when enlightened, separates truth from untruth and starts behaving in that manner. But it remains fire, it cannot become compassion. But in a way if you see, when you start choosing between the wrong type of a person and a right type of a person — if you see in a subtle way — it is compassion, because it is truth, and truth is love. So whatever it is doing is to manifest the love of God, and when it is manifesting the love of God you should know that, though it is fire, it gets the performance of a personality, which is as if, is a human being, because it is discreet: it knows what to burn and what not to burn. .. Agni Devata knows what is right, what is wrong, who is holy, who is unholy. But human beings take lot of time to recognise that and to understand, even in Sahaj Yoga, because the sensitivity has to be grown much more. Now, why is it that anything like water, or Agni or any one of these elements becomes so much more sensitive than human beings are. How they just obediently do the thing, as if they know the job and they’re so quick at it, so efficient. The reason is they are completely under the control of the Divine. They are under the control of the powers of God, absolutely, hundred percent. Whatever God wants, they do it, once they are enlightened. But human beings are still dwindling between his own human awareness and the Divine awareness and the oneness with God. So it is the sensitivity in a person that grows very, very, slowly. Doesn’t matter, makes no difference, And when it grows, it moves sometimes two steps forwards and five steps backward march…. human beings can think, and they can decide, and they have ultimate freedom to give up this sensitivity at any time. So you have to be under complete obedience of the Divine, which one cannot understand sometimes how to be like that, because we have not been brought up that way. We don’t know how to do it and it’s very difficult. .. all these elements are honest. They are absolutely honest. Whatever is their quality they profess that way. A fire will not say that, “I will cool you down,” it will not say. But after Realisation so many of you must have noticed that if you put your hands to the fire you get cool breeze coming out of it. Because it burns away whatever is ugly, whatever is bad in you, and you get the cool breeze from everywhere then, because that part is burnt away. It does the work of burning away and when it burns away then you put a hand towards the fire and you are surprised that from the flame the cool is coming out. “Instead of burning me, how the flame is cooling me!” So the quality, whatever they represent, they have within themselves, built-in. And they are honest. They are not dishonest, because they are absolutely one with the Divine laws. But human beings are not like that they play tricks here, there, that. That’s why to give Realisation to human beings is a very difficult thing. H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Adelaide (Australia), 4 March 1983.

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