“By forgiving our heart becomes magnanimous.”
….But if you worship Shiv and take him as your Guru then you have to be forgiving. He has such powers that he can destroy anyone yet he so forgiving. Many people worship him to seek forgiveness “ Oh! God Forgive us” but he is all-forgiving. His forgiveness has magnanimity. Those who cannot forgive cannot be Sahaj yogis.
The proof of a Sahaj Yogi is in forgiveness from inside from heart, he does not calculate what wrong has been done to him. Forgiveness is like ocean and to take that ocean inside oneself then only Mahadev will be established inside us. But I see that we get angry first not forgiveness. If you do not know to forgive then you will not be able to live in this world, you may live but always angry with everyone and unhappy. Shivji lives in blessing. But when he sees someone is absolute Rakshas his one eye opens. He has so much powers and because he has so many powers that is why he can forgive and all the blessings in his powers are from forgiveness.
Those who worship Shivji they have to judge how many we can forgive. But we are always filled with anger, we feel we should set this person right that person right. Who are you to set people right if Shivji is not punishing them then who are you to do that. It is not correct to imagine oneself in such roles. By forgiving our heart becomes magnanimous and we can ascend to high place. …
There is an example of Christ he said to Mahadev to forgive people crucifying him as they don’t know what they are doing. They were doing such a big sin yet he was forgiving. This forgiveness is directly related to how magnanimous is our heart is. But I see that as time is passing this quality is decreasing. Mostly……. Somebody is angry. People take wrong path and call that Dharma.
Where there is no Shiv there is no dharma.
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India 28-02-2003.