“Fourth Nadi of Heart take you to Fourth State (Turya) :Thoughtless Awareness.” And heart is the abode of the spirit – is the Shiva within us. So we have to know more about heart, and that is very important. You know about these three nadis we have: Ida, Pingala, Sushumna; but in the heart there are four nadis. And the one nadi goes to Mooladhara, and if you cross the limits of Mooladhara it goes to hell. That’s why they say that Shiva is a destroyer. Actually you ask for your destruction. And when you ask for your destruction, you have it. Even if it destroys everything, as I was telling, it’s like when a fruit has to come, the petals look as if they’re destroyed – as I have destroyed, I would say, many of your things: you can call it like your conditioning, your ego, your racialism, your fanaticism. All this has been destroyed in Sahaja Yoga. This has to be destroyed for the beauty to come out. So when your “maryadas” you cross beyond a certain point, you go to your destruction. In four directions there are destructions built, as there are four nadis. … So dissolve this desire into innocence. And this Mooladhara which is innocent is not dead, finished, but is innocent, it is righteous, it is Shri Ganesha’s qualities, it’s pure. So even if you are in this world, even if you are living like a human being, even if you have children, still you are innocent…. So to live in this world, to be a wife or to be a husband, to be married, whatever it is, you can be innocent, absolutely innocent about it. That’s the sign of your purity. The second nadi, the second channel that can take you to destruction is desire. That’s why Buddha has said that desirelessness is the only way that people do not get old, nor sick, nor worried…Everything that is created is made beautiful, is joy-giving, by Shiva – that’s His quality. So whatever you desire, if you start working it out, desiring for something aesthetically handmade, nice thing, gradually you’ll find you’ll end up with vibrations, because all beautiful things have vibrations. And to have the vibrations you’ll have to go to pure desire. Now the third nadi: third nadi is the nadi by which we feel attached, attached to someone. Like this is my child, this is my husband, this is my family, this is my wife, this is my father, this is my mother. In the beginning of Sahaja Yoga of everyone, when they are just the beginners, so they talk about their whole family, “My father is like this, my mother is sick, my mother’s sister’s brother’s this, that’s real, this thing, .. Who are your relations are Sahaja yogis – remember this. It’s a sentence you must remember, “My relations are Sahaja yogis only. And anybody who plays against Sahaja yogis, troubles Sahaja yogis – that person could be my own wife, could be my own child – is not mine.” Because I’ll not allow such a thing to happen. This relationship is all right till Sahaja yogis are one with each other. As soon as somebody tries to harm any other Sahaja yogi, then I’m not with that person… So the small attachments that are with you have to be dissolved into this ocean of love, which is Shiva. Fourth one is the most important for all of us is to know that there’s a nadi which passes through left Vishuddhi into the heart. Starts from the heart, goes up, passes through Agnya. It has four petals, and opens up. This is the one which gives you the state which is called as turya. We live in three states. In the living – in the awakened state, jagruti, our attention goes to this, that, and all that; we spoil our attention. But the second one is the one what we call is that we sleep. When we sleep also all these things that have happened come to us from our past and things like that. But then we go to the deeper sleep called as sushupti. Is a state where you have deep sleep, and you dream of something that is reality also. You may dream about Me. Like it’s the ethereal part of the subconscious, where some beautiful informations are passed on… But the fourth state is called as turya. There are two more states. You are in the turya state, it’s the fourth, “turya” means fourth. Fourth state is where that you are in a thoughtless awareness state. When there is no thought – just think of it – when there is no thought, you have to be innocent. When there is no thought, you have to have vibrations. When there is no thought, you cannot be attached to anyone. So into that thoughtless state you have come now, is the “turya sthiti.” And in this state when you are, these four petals which are within you have to open out in your brain. They come from your heart to your brain. And that is when you absolutely understand what is God, absolutely you know what is God is. That is the time when one receives the real knowledge. But unless and until these four petals open, one may fall back, and that’s why some of the Sahaja yogis who are still meddling with things that they should not do, go down. And they don’t understand what is God is. … H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Mahashivaratri Puja. Chianciano Terme (Italy), 16 February 1991.

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