“Reincarnations of Lov and Kush.”
…Kaaba is a place where you have a beautiful Shiva linga, which is called as Mekkaeshwar Shiva in our Puranas. From ancient times it is mentioned that, there is a pinda which is absolutely Vibrating and which is there.
Now Mohammad Saab religiously avoided talking about that. He only said: “If this stone can be so godly, why not human beings be?” But he did not explain much as it is whatever he tried to explain, the people were so insensitive and so cruel that they tried to kill him many a times, they gave to him poison, ultimately, he died in a very, very bad state. They tortured his life, they were lunatic people, they used to live in tribes and very tribal by nature. And they – he tried his level best to propagate that there is God and God is above all and I am the messenger of God, but they would not listen to him.
Then came, you know Nanaka who preached that there should be no enmity between Hindus and Muslims, he preached that, because he saw the Muslims behaving in such a manner, they were such fanatics and they had become so funny that he could not understand how is it? These are the people whom I have made Muslims and what are they doing here?
Actually Musalman means the person who is realized and Peer is a person whose realization is established so much so that he said that those who have become Musalman should be buried and not burnt, because he thought they are all realized souls, but realization finished off with his son in law and his daughter, after that he had two sons who were great souls who are really the reincarnations of Lov and Kush. Now perhaps we do not know what happened to Luv and Kush when they were born. Luv and Kush when their mother disappeared in the Mother Earth and the father, they were little annoyed with them, went in the North one went to Caucasus and another went to China. Luv went to Caucasus and from there he became a very powerful king in Russia. Russians always use Sanskrit language; we do not know how much Sanskrit they use; for example, they will say kharoshou means Harushivaye the Pravada itself the word Pravada vda is to say pra means enlightened. You see their language, it’s full of Sanskrit words, practically it is absolutely based on Sanskrit and you’d say slaws people…slaws, so lov sla… Luv ruled there for years together and about four hundred years back, his very descendants flew away from there, went to Iran, where there is a Goddess. Goddess Hindolika’s temple is there which is all described in the Puranas, where they used to worship Goddess Hindolika, from there they came down and spread all over, it’s a big story. Then Kush went to China, that’s how you have Kushan in China and Chinese language is very much near Sanskrit and quite close to Marathi language, it’s more surprising if you hear them talking, for example they say; Ma tza tum, tza is only there in Marathi language they use this word tza, we never say in Hindi tza or in any other language you won’t find it tza but only in Chinese and in Marathi language they have this word, tza.
It’s very interesting to see, how the spirituality has spread into these countries and then how it died out. All these things happened, but then they were born again and again, they were born as Mahavira and Buddha, they are the same, they are born as Markendeya, they are born as Kabira, as Adi Shankaracharya, it was Buddha who was born as Adi Shankaracharya just to correct himself, Buddha was shocked the way people were going, there was Nirakara that he had be born as Shankaracharaya to tell people, oh God, what are you doing? It was only Buddha who came to correct himself as Shankaracharaya, it is so surprising, that people are fighting, Buddhist and Hindus are great enemies of each other, but they do not know that the person who really re-established Hinduism was the same who established Buddhism. So, imagine the same personality coming again and again on this Earth tries to correct his disciples again finds that there are two groups he has created, it’s a big problem.
Now Mahavira also was one of them, who was born again and again and he was Markendeya and he was Kabira, the way Kabira lashes people you can see that he is tremendous, he is like Bhairava and the power of Bhairava, Kabira has used in his language, but for Hindi poets it is Sadhukadi and they have made fun of it. …
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Program, New Delhi (India) 7 February 1981.