“Sahaja Yoga is really a way of audience with the Lord Almighty. “ You cannot do good for Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga can do good for you. If you think you are here for the benefit of Sahaja Yoga you are mistaken because Sahaja Yoga is really a way of audience with the Lord Almighty. Those who are willing to take, those who are willing to grow, only those can move forward and those who are here to give, they cannot achieve anything here. Giving is far away, you just need to be thankful for it that you have received self-realization and been enlightened. We can feel our Kundalini on our fingertips and we can give realization to others by moving our hands. No one dare do this. You have perhaps seen lot of people talk about this, but all of you capable of raising others Kundalinis who are sitting here should be thankful to the Lord that, “Lord what is my speciality that you bestowed upon me this capability? You have been so merciful. What is my limited personality? What great punya good deed did we do to be blessed with this knowledge of the Kundalini?” You all now have the subtle knowledge of this inner working. … Those who are here with a pure heart will benefit from it and those who are here with an impure heart there will be no impact. For such people this is a waste: havan or puja, prayer, namaz, chanting the mantras, tantras ‘tantra’ means’ the mechanism inside us’, etc. ‘Tantra’ does not mean ‘the bad stuff in us’ but ‘the Kundalini itself’. All these things show us the path on which we need to ascend, that which enlightens us, that which is triggered, that things trigger in our life as though we jump in it; from this limited life we just jump into the unlimited… I am here with you to see everything, to know everything. Sometimes I explain to you, sometimes I scold you, sometimes I love you, just like a Mother should. Children need to understand that if a Mother says something for their good then only a Mother can do that, none else. You should think that this is a great blessing to you and be thankful for it. You need to recognize that your Mother’s love is behind all this. If you fail to recognize love then Sahaja Yoga is not for you because all of this is a display of love. With each other you need to see this love. But until you cleanse yourself completely and cannot see yourself in the mirror of others, until then you cannot see yourself, you cannot recognize that love. You see this distorted image of yourself in others and think others are distorted… H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 1976-02-05 Lalita Panchami, Mumbai, India.

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