“You have to be honest to yourself.”
…if you are not honest in your seeking. Honesty of seeking not only means “I want to seek.” It also means what is your behaviour is, towards yourself and towards others. You have to be honest to yourself that you sit down for meditation, try to improve your Antar Yoga, try to make your thoughtless awareness, this feeling of thoughtlessness, wider and wider. Try to achieve that state where you really feel thoughtless. So, the honesty lies as you rise higher and higher, deeper and deeper into your own being. First you depend on Me, that “after all, Mother is going to do everything. When I went to Mother, my Sahasrara opened out. This thing happened, then this thing happened.” But what about you doing something that helps you to open your Sahasrara. So, opening of the Sahasrara is very important.
Now, surprisingly, it is so placed that Sahasrara has got the Brahmarandhra at the level where there is, I mean, at the point, where there is the Heart Chakra. So, we must know that Brahmarandhra is directly connected to your heart. If it is not done from the heart, superficially done Sahaja Yoga, you cannot go very high. You have to put your full heart into it – that is the main thing. Like, people they come to Sahaja Yoga and they are murmuring behind. “This could have been like that, that could have been like that,” all those things. All such people also are what Christ calls as “murmuring souls.” He said that, be careful about these murmuring souls – those who go on murmuring behind and taking advantage as if they, they are trying to save others.
All such people also can suffer a lot. Because, they are doing a double game. And such a double game is very dangerous when you enter into the kingdom of God. Any kingdom you are member of, any kingdom, if you are treacherous to that kingdom, you are punished. But in the God’s kingdom, it’s so blissful, absolutely blissful, complete blessings are poured on, absolutely, with everything – health, wealth, mental, emotional – all kinds of prosperity you can get in Sahaja Yoga, no doubt. But when you are so much blessed, you are also forgiven, and forgiven, and forgiven, and there is a long rope given to you to hang yourself. But you really hang fully, it’s not half way.
So, those people who think they can be dishonest with Sahaja Yoga, have to be very careful; please don’t do it. If you don’t like to be in Sahaja Yoga, you better go away, is better; from your point of view and from our point of view also. Because, in case you are dishonest, you are trying to play tricks and games, and you suffer and you look funny and strange, then people will say “what’s wrong with Sahaja Yoga?” So, we will unnecessarily suffer. Because we cannot show you in the mirror, that this man has been very, very disloyal. We cannot show that. So, it will bring a bad name to us – first of all. And secondly, you will be harmed, by this kind of a thing. If you are harmed, then also we’ll have a bad name that “how could it happened?” But if you are honest about Sahaja Yoga and about your seeking, you don’t know how much God looks after you. Anybody who tries to do any harm to you will be very badly harmed and removed from your path. God protects you out and out and He looks after you with complete attention and care. And He’s so loving that description of His compassion cannot be given in words but can be only felt and understood….
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Hanuman Road, public program in New Delhi (India), 4 February 1983.