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The article explains that Kali is Adi Shakti in charge of all three powers and divides herself into two other forces as Mahasaraswati and Mahalakshmi. The Mahakali force is a constructive force that also involves destruction of negative forces. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding the positive aspect of Mahakali force to construct oneself properly in Sahaja Yoga.

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The Ekadash Rudra Incarnation is prophesied to destroy all negativity and anti-God activities. The Ekadasha Principle is built-in the Void and is responsible for the villainy that comes into form. In Sahaja Yoga, destructive forces act in the Left Void. Many plants and animals were destroyed because they were not in the centre, and they formed anti-growth, anti-development, anti-freedom forces within ourselves. Understanding the power of Ekadash Rudra Incarnation is crucial to avoid negative forces and destructive energies.

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The Sahasrara Chakra is an important part of the subtle system and is where the Kundalini rises to establish one's dharma. As the Kundalini rises higher, the energy for dharma also starts flowing with it, and when it reaches the brain, one goes beyond dharma and it becomes a part of their being. This achievement allows one to not worry about rituals, meeting other people, or negative forces.

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0 33

Many incarnations, including Gyaneshwara and Christ, died at a young age because they could not explain what had happened to them. The answer to why this happened is that they were part of the Sahasrara, Brahma Chaitanya, and Adi Shakti, and they came to Earth to give Realisation to good people. They came out of the ocean of love to take others to enjoy it.

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To increase your powers and help spread Sahaja Yoga, you must trust yourself fully and work on yourself through intensive meditation and collective work. You must also develop your depths and dimensions, and spend time introspecting. Meditating daily and being collective is important, but you must also think about how to spread Sahaja Yoga and impart knowledge to others.

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0 58

The story of Shri Rama and Sita teaches us about the importance of duty, surrender, and discipleship. Sita's bravery and strength in the face of separation from her husband is an example for all women. Luv and Kush, Shri Rama's children, represent the power of discipleship and surrender to the Guru. By following the ideal of Shri Rama, we can learn to be faithful, dutiful, and surrendered to the divine.

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The Nadi Tantra, written 14000 years ago, discusses the relationship between father, mother, and children. The Hridaya Chakra has three parts, with the right side representing Ram Chandra, an ideal father and son. The left side represents the mother, and if she does not believe in God or spoils her child, she is to blame. Dreams can reveal unconscious feelings towards parents or children. Meditation on Sri Ram Chandra can help with problems related to the right heart.

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0 41

Dedication is a rewarding effort that brings joy, peace, and satisfaction. It is an expression of love that shows its aesthetics and beauty. The Ajanta and Ellora Caves are an example of dedication where people worked with attention and love to create beautiful murals, paintings, reliefs, and statues. Dedication takes away all vestige interests and is done for the sake of doing it.

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This article emphasizes the importance of understanding oneself beyond the superficial knowledge of the world. It encourages readers to become more aware of their spiritual potential and the preciousness of human life. The author suggests that true transformation can only happen when one realizes their true nature as the Spirit, which is a happening within oneself. The article also touches on the limitations of science and the artificiality of mental processes. Overall, it is a call to explore the roots of human existence and potential.

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0 35

In Sahaj Yoga, fire is considered to have a deity behind it called Agni Devata. When fire is added to wood, it separates truth from untruth and starts behaving accordingly. A Sahaj Yogi is similar to the fire in that they do not think about their actions, but rather act according to frequencies. Fire acts according to its own quality, but when enlightened, it separates truth from untruth and manifests the love of God.

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