Shri Ganesha is a purifying power that can't be contaminated. Purity is not limited to the gross side, but also includes clear thoughts. The human brain is like a pyramid, and when the mind elevates to the Brahmarandhra state, it goes through a tremendous change in reactions to the environment. Our innocence exists within us, but it's covered. Shri Ganesha can help us evolve the quality of Nirananda within us.
Forgiveness is a crucial aspect of Sahaj Yoga, and those who cannot forgive cannot be true Sahaj yogis. Shiv is a powerful deity who is also known for his forgiveness, and those who worship him must learn to forgive as well. Forgiveness is like an ocean that must be taken inside oneself to establish Mahadev within. Christ's example of forgiveness is also mentioned. Without forgiveness, our hearts cannot become magnanimous, and we cannot ascend to higher places in life. The text emphasizes the importance of forgiveness in Sahaj Yoga and in life in general.
The article emphasizes the importance of not making a fundamental thing out of Sahaja Yoga and not limiting oneself by quoting what Mother said. It encourages individuals to grow deeper into their spirit and become free from conditionings and egos. The article also highlights the danger of becoming fundamentalists and creating a fundamental religion out of Sahaja Yoga. Instead, individuals should understand what is written and said and relate it to their wisdom.
The pure Spirit within us is the reflection of God Almighty, Sadashiva. Shiva's greatest principle is to be innocent, which means to have no identification with wrong things. Once a person is absolutely the pure Spirit, then the reflection of God reflects into others. The play of three forces, Shiva's compassion, Shri Krishna's neutralizing, and Brahma's creation, creates an atmosphere for us to seek the truth. Shiva is extremely compassionate but can also be extremely cruel if people are decadent.
Shiva is a powerful and forgiving God who rules over all elements and can destroy anything if necessary. He protects nature and brings joy to spirituality, but can also be wrathful towards those who are aggressive or do harm to others. It is important to understand His powers and forgiveness to live a noble and loving life.
The article discusses the need to become aware of the Spirit and the All-pervading Power of divine love. It highlights the problems caused by science and technology due to the lack of balance and harmony with human life. The author emphasizes the importance of realizing the absolute truth and the power within oneself to manifest it. The Spirit is the ultimate guide that provides the absolute truth and helps in understanding the vibrations of others. Sahaja Yoga is a means to be in union with the All-pervading Power and realize one's true self as the Spirit.
The article discusses the importance of self-realization in knowing the truth and achieving balance. It explains the concept of Kundalini and how it rises easily when there is balance in a person. The article also talks about the two institutions in our brain, ego and super-ego, and how they affect the upward movement of Kundalini. It further explains the process of Kundalini awakening and the role of Agnya chakra in curing and drying out the two institutions. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of attaining the spirit for knowing the truth.
The article discusses the creation of the universe by Adi Shakti and the importance of spiritual life. It also talks about the Kundalini, the power within us that can only be risen by a spiritual authority or Adi Kundalini itself. The article emphasizes the need to understand the process of life and Kundalini through spiritual means rather than science or mental activity.
The fourth nadi of the heart leads to thoughtless awareness and innocence. The heart is the abode of the spirit and it is important to know more about it. There are four nadis in the heart and one of them leads to destruction if crossed beyond Mooladhara. To live in this world with innocence is a sign of purity. Desire is the second channel that can take you to destruction, and desirelessness is the only way to avoid aging, sickness, and worries. Everything created is made beautiful by Shiva's quality.
Sahaja Yoga is a path to self-realization that has been around since eternity. It is not for superficial people but for those who have depth. The truth is self-glorified and has a big prestige that one must bow their head to. Falsehood catches very fast, like dust, but cleansing takes time. To get established in Sahaja Yoga, one can take a treatment of photograph by keeping their hands opened towards the photograph, both legs in water, and adding salt for seven days. This helps improve faith and cleanse impurities.